Learn the traditional craft of Coptic bookbinding by making two different Coptic-bound books, one a classic hard-cover, and the other with a soft leather cover.
In this workshop all materials are provided, and you can choose from an assortment of different papers/card, a colourful range of waxed-linen thread, and a variety of upcycled leathers (for the soft cover book) to make two unique and personalised books.
Coptic binding is a simple handsewn technique characterised by two separate covers and a distinctive chain-stitch sewn across an exposed spine. The decorative sewing even allows the book to open beautifully flat, making it perfect for binding your own journals, sketchbooks, scrapbooks, albums, or notebooks.
Ideal for complete beginners, as well as those who would like to expand their range of bookbinding techniques. You'll be able to examine finished examples of Coptic-bound books, and draw inspiration from the variations and possibilities.
All tools and materials are provided as part of the workshop, but you are welcome to bring your own items from home (i.e. A3 cutting mat, a metal ruler, craft/Stanley knife, pencil, awl, bonefolder, and any sheets of fancy/coloured/found papers if you want to use these in your books)
Comprehensive instructions and templates are also included, to enable you to continue making more books at home.
Location: 140 Weller Rd, Tarragindi (plenty of parking available)
Time: 1pm to 5pm
Cost: $110 per person
Bookings essential:email michelle@shelbyville.com.au or txt/phone 0412 550 981
Stack of various Coptic bound books, some with leather covers, others with hard-board covers